The Dadhikar, Almost 1100 year ago, around 9-10 century, a residential camp was made in the dense forests amidst the Aravali Hills in Matsya Janpad area by a deserted family of King Chand who had to leave his capital named Abhanagari ( the place of grace), now known as Abhaneri after having lost everything in flood there. The word ‘Dera’ denotes camp and thus, place was called as ‘Derakar’ i.e to make a camp. Gradually with the passage of time the name changed and now it is known as Dadhikar, Alwar.
Dadhikar Fort owns 18 opulent rooms, Every room is majestic in appearance showcasing seamless blend of rich Indian ethnicity and urbane decor.
- WiFi,
- Parking,
- Restaurant,
- Bar,
- Room Service
Category : Hotel