Blue Room

Station Rd, Shanti Nagar, Nadiad, Gujarat 387001

It is one of the 192, 0-star Guest Houses in Gujarat. On HolidayIQ, it has a total of 2 text reviews and is rated top for its Food & Drink, Appearance and Room.

  • WiFi,
  • Parking,
  • Restaurant,
  • Room Service
Client Reviews (0)

    Online Booking

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    Hotel Blueroom is ranked #71 among the 225 hotels in Gujarat with an average rating of 5.4 out of 7. It is one of the 192, 0-star Guest Houses in Gujarat. On HolidayIQ, it has a total of 2 text reviews and is rated top for its Food & Drink, Appearance and Room.
    The online booking price of the hotel ranges between Rs 400 to Rs 900 per night. to check availability or to avail complimentary breakfast, we recommend contacting the hotel to check if the final tariff includes it.

    Category : Hotel

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